Mcbean Middle Island Challenge (MMIC)
公開海域泳賽 , 3.8公里
日期 / 地點:
2019年11月3日 (星期日)
Rules and Regulations
Declaration of responsibility is required for all swimmers
No one should join the race unless he/she is physically fit, in excellent health.
For 3.8km course, racers are fully expected to finish within the cut off time of 1hour 30minutes, and reach 1km checkpoint at Middle Island Beach within 25mins. Swimmers who fail to do so are required to leave the water near the 1km checkpoint and walk back to VRC.
For 1.0km course, racers are required to finish within the cut off time of 30mins.
You may be asked to provide proof of competence. If fail to do so, you may not be allowed to race.
Swimmers must obey instructions to kayakers, helpers and personnel of the race.
Always stay away from the coast at least 30m. Beware of the shallow rocks.
Swimmers will take full responsibility and safety during the race.
Wetsuit, fins or paddles are not allowed.
SWIM BUOY is mandatory during the race.Please inspect you buoy days before the race. Make sure its firmly secured in your body during swim. Not swim with a buoy or lose it during the race will be disqualified.
Swim style of ONLY front crawl is allowed.
3.8km course
Early Bird: $280 (until Oct 18th)
Standard: $320 (until Oct 25th)
Last chance: $360 (until Oct 31st)
1.0km course
Early Bird: $240 (until Oct 18th)
Standard: $280 (until Oct 25th)
Last chance: $320 (until Oct 31st)
Swimming buoy (Optional purchase):
$220 (Collect buoy during the race day)
Prizes :
For 1.0km, Medals for each Age Group category (Male / Female, 19 & Below / 20 - 39 / 40 & Above).
For 3.8km, Medals for each Age Group category (Male / Female, 19 & Below / 20 - 39 / 40 - 49 / 50 & Above).
For 3.8km, Cash Prize award to record breaker of the course record (One Prize for Male & one prize for Female).
Jaked Safety buoys/Jaked 浮波 (Optional自選 ) :
$180 (Order online and collect on race day 在線訂購並在比賽當天取貨 )
$250 (Purchase on race day比賽當天購買 )
Race Training Preparation 賽前訓練準備
Swim faster at the race by attending 3 pool sessions ( 2nd,9th,16th Nov 5-6pm - $375)
Please check training details HERE
希望比賽表現更佳,可參加3 堂賽前訓練( 2/11,9/11,16/11 5-6pm - $375 )
請按此了解訓練 地點詳情
Categories 組別:
400m race 比賽:
AG 年齡組別: 8&Under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14,15-17, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
1.7km race 比賽:
AG 年齡組別: 13&Under, 14-16, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
3.4km race 比賽:
AG 年齡組別: 15&Under, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
Age groups are determined based on a participant's age on race day 年齡組別將會以參賽者與比賽日的年齡計算
Age limit 年齡限制
400m race 比賽: 6 - 75,
1.7km race 比賽: 9 - 75,
3.4km race 比賽: 12 - 75
Applicants beyond age limit can contact us by email 年齡限制以外年齡限制以外的參賽者請以電郵聯絡我們。
Awards 獎牌 /獎項
Medals/prizes will be given out to the top 3 participants in each AG category. 組別頭三位泳手將獲獎牌 /獎項。
Finisher medals will be given to racers who complete the race. 完成賽事的參賽者可獲完成賽事獎牌及電子證書 。
Storage of Personal Belongings 個人物件:
Participants can store their personal belongings in the baggage storage area during the race. Race organizers/volunteers have no responsibility for any loss or damage to the personal belongings. 比賽期間,參賽者的個人物件寄存於儲存處, 如有任何遺失及損壞,本會將不負上任何責任。