3.4km/1.7km/400m Open Water Swim Race
Date: 24th NOV 2024 (Sunday)
Venue : Rocky Bay Beach, Sheko
TheSHEKO is an open water swim race that suits swimmers of all abilities. The race will take place at the Rocky Bay Beach, Shek O.
TheSHEKO offers 3 distances: 3.4km, 1.7km & 400m. We emphasize a friendly racing atmosphere welcoming all swimmers from beginners to the elites in a scenic setting at Sheko O Bay.
3.4km/1.7km/400m 公開水域游泳比賽
Date: 2024 年 11 月 24 日(星期日)
Venue : 香港石澳後灘泳灘
石澳渡海泳賽為公開水域泳賽, 起點/終點設於石澳後灘泳灘,賽程分別有 3400米,1700米及400米。 我們着重愉快的競賽氣氛, 鼓勵新加入之泳手以致資深泳手參加。
Rules and Regulations 比賽規則
Participants are required to meet the following cut-off times. 參賽者須於指定時限完成有關賽事。Race Cut Off time 完成時限為:
400m Race 比賽 : 16 mins 分鐘
1.7km Race 比賽: 55 mins 分鐘
3.4km Race 比賽: 110 mins 分鐘; (1.7km checkpoint cutoff : 50mins)
We expect the water temperature to be around 25 degrees on race day, and will be warm enough to race without a wetsuit. If you choose to wear a wetsuit, please select the "wetsuit" category during registration. If swimmers choose to wear wetsuits, their final times will be adjusted by 5.5 minutes for the 3.4km race, 2.5 minutes for the 1.7km race, and 30 seconds for the 400m race. Swimmers are allowed to change wetsuit category not less than 7 days before the race day by paying $50. No category change is allowed on race day. 我們預計比賽當天的水溫約為 25 度,可以在不穿wetsuit的情況下比賽。 如果您選擇穿著wetsuit,請在註冊時選擇「wetsuit」類別。如果運動員選擇穿著wetsuit,3.4公里比賽的最終時間將調整5.5分鐘,1.7公里比賽的最終時間將調整2.5分鐘,400m比賽的最終時間將調整30秒。 游泳選手可以在比賽日前最少7日支付 50 元更換wetsuit類別。 比賽當天不允許更改wetsuit類別。
No one should join the race unless he/she is physically fit, and in excellent health condition. 參賽者需確保具備良好體能及健康狀態, 否則切勿參與此比賽。
The organiser reserve the right to request participants to provide proof of competence. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race. 比賽單位可能要求泳手提供 能夠於時限內完成比賽的相關證明, 無法提供相關證明者將不獲參加比賽。
Participants must obey instructions to kayakers, helpers, and personnel of the race. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race or will be disqualified.泳手必須遵從艇手及支援人員的所有比賽安排指示。 拒絕遵從者將被取消資格。
Participants will take full responsibility and safety during the race. 泳手於比賽期間須為自己的安全負上全部責任。
No swimmer is permitted to use any device that may be an aid to their speed or endurance such as fins, paddles. 泳手於比賽期間不可穿戴任何游泳輔助器具,包括但不限於fins and paddles。
SAFETY BUOYS are mandatory during the ENTIRE race. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race or will be disqualified.安全浮波必須於比賽期間全程戴上。 違者可者被取消資格。

1.7km Race 比賽
7:30 - 8:30 am Registration 登記
8:40 am Race Briefing 賽事簡報
8:45 am Race Start 比賽開始
10:05 am Award ceremony 頒獎典禮
3.4km Race 比賽
8:45 - 9:40 am Registration 登記
9:55 am Race Briefing 賽事簡報
10:00 am Race Start 比賽開始
12:15 am Award ceremony 頒獎典禮
400m Race 比賽
10:45 -11:45 am Registration 登記
11:55 am Race Briefing 賽事簡報
12:00 pm Race Start 比賽開始
12:30 pm Award ceremony 頒獎典禮
*Race time are subject to adjustment. Racers will receive the race details 4 days before race day by email
Race Cut Off time 完成時限
400m Race 比賽 : 16 mins 分鐘
1.7km Race 比賽: 55 mins 分鐘
3.4km Race 比賽: 110 mins Race; (1.7km checkpoint cutoff: 50mins ) (1.7公里檢查站完成時限:50分鐘)
Registration Period登記期
Early Bird 早鳥折扣 - until 30th Oct (Wednesday 23:59) or the Early Bird quota of 150 entries is reached, whichever is first.
Standard 標準收費 - until 12th Nov (Tuesday 23:59)
Late Entry 最後報名 - until 18th Nov (Monday 23:59)
Fees 收費
400m race 比賽:
Early Bird 早鳥折扣: $290
Standard 標準收費 : $350
Late entry 最後報名: $400
1.7km race 比賽:
Early Bird 早鳥折扣: $390
Standard 標準收費: $450
Late entry 最後報名: $500
3.4km race 比賽:
Early Bird 早鳥折扣: $490
Standard 標準收費: $550
Late entry 最後報名 : $600
Race Bundle參加多場比賽 :
Swimmers who sign up for 2 races will receive 10% discount 參加2場比賽的游泳選手將獲得10%的折扣
Swimmers who sign up for 3 races will receive 15% discount 參加3場比賽的游泳選手將獲得15%的折扣
Swim Clubs /Teams Discount 泳會及團體折扣
We are offering discounts for bulk registration of 10 or more swimmers. Please contact us at enquiry@eventshorizons.com for further details. 如有10人或以上泳會及團體參加者, 請與我方聯絡 (enquiry@eventshorizons.com)。
Jaked Safety buoys/Jaked 浮波 (Optional自選 ) :
$180 (Order online and collect on race day 在線訂購並在比賽當天取貨 )
$250 (Purchase on race day比賽當天購買 )
Race Training Preparation 賽前訓練準備
Swim faster at the race by attending 3 pool sessions ( 2nd,9th,16th Nov 5-6pm - $375)
Please check training details HERE
希望比賽表現更佳,可參加3 堂賽前訓練( 2/11,9/11,16/11 5-6pm - $375 )
請按此了解訓練 地點詳情

Categories 組別:
400m race 比賽:
AG 年齡組別: 8&Under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14,15-17, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
1.7km race 比賽:
AG 年齡組別: 13&Under, 14-16, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
3.4km race 比賽:
AG 年齡組別: 15&Under, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
Age groups are determined based on a participant's age on race day 年齡組別將會以參賽者與比賽日的年齡計算
Age limit 年齡限制
400m race 比賽: 6 - 75,
1.7km race 比賽: 9 - 75,
3.4km race 比賽: 12 - 75
Applicants beyond age limit can contact us by email 年齡限制以外年齡限制以外的參賽者請以電郵聯絡我們。
Awards 獎牌 /獎項
Medals/prizes will be given out to the top 3 participants in each AG category. 組別頭三位泳手將獲獎牌 /獎項。
Finisher medals will be given to racers who complete the race. 完成賽事的參賽者可獲完成賽事獎牌及電子證書 。
Storage of Personal Belongings 個人物件:
Participants can store their personal belongings in the baggage storage area during the race. Race organizers/volunteers have no responsibility for any loss or damage to the personal belongings. 比賽期間,參賽者的個人物件寄存於儲存處, 如有任何遺失及損壞,本會將不負上任何責任。