Order on or before 7th of July and delivery by end of month.
Middle Island Challenge (MMIC)
1.5km / 3.8km Open Water Swim Race
Date: 25th JUNE 2023 (SUNDAY)
Middle Island Challenge (MMIC) is an Open water swim race that suits swimmers of all abilities while starting/finishing at Victoria Recreation Club, Deep Water Bay. It has a long history since 2015, extending to 3.8km and adding a shorter distance.
Middle Island Challenge (MMIC) includes 2 distances: 1.5km & 3.8km. We emphasize a friendly racing atmosphere welcoming all swimmers from beginners to the elites in a scenic setting at Deep Water Bay.
熨波洲環島泳賽為公開水域泳賽, 始於於2015年, 稍後距離延長至3.8公里及更增加較短途賽事。
熨波洲環島泳賽 2023 設有 1.5公里 及環熨波洲之3.8公里賽事,比賽起步/終點位於深水灣域多利會。 我們着重愉快的競賽氣氛, 鼓勵新加入之泳手以致資深泳手參加。

Race Date / Time 比賽日期 / 時間
25th, JUNE 2023
1.5km Race
7:00 am-7:45 am Registration
7:50 am Race Briefing
8:00 am Race Start
9:00 am Award ceremony
3.8km Race
8:00 am- 8:45 am Registration
8:50 am Race Briefing
9:00 am Race Start
10:45 am Award ceremony
Race Cut Off time 完成時限
1.5km, 45 mins
3.8km, 110 mins; 1.0km checkpoint 28mins
Fees 收費
1.5km race:
Early Bird: $400 (until the early bird quota* is reached)
Standard: $450 (until June 11th, 12 pm)
Late entry: $500 (until June 16th, 11:59 pm)
3.8km race:
Early Bird: $500 (until the early bird quota* is reached)
Standard: $550 (until June 11th, 12 pm)
Late entry: $600 (until June 16th, 11:59 pm)
Race Bundle:
Early Bird: $780 (until the early bird quota* is reached)
Standard: $850 (until June 11th, 12 pm)
Late entry: $900 (until June 16th, 11:59 pm)
(*Early Bird quota: First 100 swimmers who sign up for the race)
Swim Clubs /Teams Discount 泳會及團體折扣
We are offering discounts for bulk registration of 10 or more swimmers. Please contact us at enquiry@eventshorizons.com for further details. 如有10人或以上泳會及團體參加者, 請與我方聯絡 (enquiry@eventshorizons.com)。
Small Group Race Training Preparation 小組賽前訓練準備
Swim faster at the race by attending 4 sessions 希望比賽表現更佳,可參加4 堂賽前訓練 - $500
Kennedy Town 堅尼地城泳池 - 27/5
Victoria Park Pool 維多利亞游泳池 - 3/6 10/6, 17/6,
Reserved lane provided 專線提供 SATURDAY 5 - 6 pm
Limited seats and first come first serve 名額有限,先到先得
Sponsor a Splash swimmer (Optional):
Swimmers can sponsor a Splash swimmer to race at a discounted race entry fee of $300:
30 spots for a 1.5km race
Safety buoys 浮波 (Optional) :
$180 (Order online and collect on race day)
$250 (Purchase on race day)
Categories 組別:
1.5km race:
AG 年齡組別 : 15 & Under, 16-19 yrs, 20-39 yrs, 40-49 yrs, 50 & Over, Male and Female
3.8km race
AG 年齡組別 : 15 & Under, 16-19 yrs, 20-39 yrs, 40-49 yrs, 50 & Over, Male and Female
Age groups are determined based on a participant's age on race day 年齡組別將會以參賽者與比賽日的年齡計算
Medals/prizes 獎牌 /獎項
Medals/prizes will be given out to the top 3 participants in each AG category.
組別頭三位泳手 將獲獎牌 /獎項。
Overall female and male winners who break the 3.8km overall course records will be awarded a cash prize.
破紀錄之男女子總冠軍 可獲現金獎。
Club/Team Scoring 泳會 / 泳隊計分制
To foster healthy competition among clubs, there is a club scoring system as follows:
Swimmers can register under a Club/Team.
At each event, each club participant will earn 1 point to finish the race.
1st AG placer, 2nd AG placer, and 3rd AG placer will earn 3, 2, and 1 points respectively.
Overall female/male winner will receive additional 3 points.
At the end of the year, awards will be given to the top 3 clubs with the most points. The swimmer with the top scores will be receive Best Swimmer Award. If the final points are equal, the club with the most swimmers participating or the swimmer who participated in the most number of races will be named champions.
為了鼓勵團隊合作及良性運動競技, 今年起增設泳會 / 泳隊計分制,如下:
每位泳手登記比賽時,可提供所屬泳會 / 泳隊
每場比賽 完結後, 所有參賽泳手會為所屬泳會 / 泳隊得到 1 分
所有年齡組別前三名可為所屬泳會 / 泳隊 分別得到 3 / 2 / 1 分
年終游泳系列完結後,得分最高 泳會 / 泳隊 3 位 可得獎項 , 得分最高泳手可獲最佳泳手獎 。 若最終積分相同,則按參賽人數最多的俱樂部或參加比賽次數最多的游泳選手將被評為冠軍。
Rules and Regulations
Participants are required to swim with FREESTYLE (FRONT CRAWL) ONLY during the entire race. 參賽者 必須以自由泳(捷泳)完成賽事。
Declaration of responsibility is required for all swimmers.
No one should join the race unless he/she is physically fit, and in excellent health condition. 參賽者需確保具備良好體能及健康狀態, 否則切勿參與此比賽。
Participants are required to meet the following cut-off times. 參賽者須於指定時限完成有關賽事
1.5km, cut off time: 45 mins
3.8km, 110 mins; 1.0km checkpoint cut-off time: 28mins
Participants may be asked to provide proof of competence. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race. 比賽單位可能要求泳手提供 能夠於時限內完成比賽的相關證明, 無法提供者將無法參加比賽。
Participants must obey instructions to kayakers, helpers, and personnel of the race. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race.泳手必須遵從艇手及支援人員的所有比賽安排指示。無法提供者將無法參加比賽。
Participants will take full responsibility and safety during the race. 泳手於比賽期間須為自己的安全負上全部責任。
Wetsuits, fins, and paddles are not allowed in the race. 泳手於比賽期間不可穿戴任何游泳輔助器具,包括Wetsuits, fins and paddles。
SAFETY BUOYS are mandatory during the ENTIRE race. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race.安全浮波必須於比賽期間全程戴上。無法提供者將無法參加比賽。

Transportation to VRC Deep Water Bay 往域多利會交通:
MTR: get off from Ocean Park MTR station, and 15-20mins walk along Mill & Chung Path
Bus : Route no. 6, 6X, 260, Mini Bus : Route no.40
Driving - Public Parking is available at Island Road, Deep Water Bay.