First Discovery Bay Open Water Race & Triathlon Challenge
Open Water Swim Races, Triathlon, Aquathon, & Duathlon Races
Date: 24th September 2023 (SUNDAY)
First Discovery Bay Open Water Race & Triathlon Challenge is an open water swim and triathlon race event that suits swimmers and triathletes of all abilities. The race day consists of 3 solo swim races (3.8km, 1.7km, and 400m), a family 400m swim relay, Aquathon, Duathlon, and Triathlon races (solo/relay). We emphasize on a friendly racing atmosphere welcoming all swimmers and triathletes from beginners to the elites racing in an epic scenic setting at Discovery Bay.
Prizes and medals will be awarded to podium winners. The fastest male and female athlete who cover the 3.8km swim race, Aquathon and Triathlon races will win the "Triple Crown Award."
活動性質:公開水域泳賽, 水陸兩項, 鐵人兩項及三項鐵人賽
第一屆愉景灣渡海泳賽為公開水域泳賽, 提供3.8公里 / 1.7 公里 / 400m 賽程,400m 賽程家庭接力,另提供 水陸兩項,鐵人兩項 及三項鐵人賽程 (個人/接力)。比賽起步分別位於迪士尼碼頭,三白灣沙灘和大白灣沙灘,終點在愉景灣之主沙灘-大白灣。 我們着重愉快的競賽氣氛, 鼓勵新加入之泳手以致資深泳手參加。

Race Schedule 比賽時間表
Open Water Swim Race 公開水域泳賽-1.7KM
8:30 - 9:15 Registration* 登記* (Sam Pak Wan Beach三白灣沙灘)
9:25 Race Briefing 賽事講解 (Sam Pak Wan Beach三白灣沙灘)
9:30 Race Water Start 水中起步 (Sam Pak Wan Beach三白灣沙灘)
11:30 Award ceremony 頒獎 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
Please refer to the TRANSPORT section for guidance on the registration point.
Bags will be collected at REGISTRATION and available for collection at Tai Pak Beach.
Race day details will be informed via the race reminder which will be sent to racers 5 days before race day.
請參照 “交通/住宿” 附頁 了解往“登記”之交通。
Open Water Swim Race 公開水域泳賽-3.8KM
10:00 - 10:45 Registration* 登記* (Disneyland Resort Pier 迪士尼碼頭)
10:55 Race Briefing 賽事講解 (Disneyland Resort Pier 迪士尼碼頭)
11:00 Race Water Start 水中起步 (Disneyland Resort Pier 迪士尼碼頭)
13:00 Award ceremony 頒獎 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
Please refer to the TRANSPORT section for guidance on the registration point.
Bags will be collected at REGISTRATION and available for collection at Tai Pak Beach.
Race day registration details will be informed via the race reminder which will be sent to racers 5 days before race day.
請參照 “交通/住宿” 附頁 了解往“登記”之交通。
Aquathon SwimRun Race 水陸游跑兩項賽
Swim - 800M, Run - 5.2KM
11:30 - 12:15 Registration 登記 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
12:25 Race Briefing 賽事講解 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
12:30 Race Beach Start 沙灘起步 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
13:30 Award ceremony 頒獎 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
Open Water Swim Race 公開水域泳賽
400M Solo 個人
200M x2 Family Relay 家庭接力
08:30 - 9:15 Registration 登記 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
0855 Race Briefing 賽事講解 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
9:00 Solo Race Beach Start 個人沙灘起步 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
9:30 Family Relay Race Beach Start 家庭接力沙灘起步 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)16:45 11:30 Award ceremony 頒獎 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
Triathlon Race三項鐵人賽
Wattbike 10KM, Run 5.0KM, Swim 400M
Solo 個人 / Team Relay 隊接力 / Corporate Relay* 公司隊接力
8:20 -17:00 Race Start 比賽開始 (DB Plaza 愉景廣場)
(Different slots are available. Racers can select their slot preference during the online registration.)
30 mins before the race starts 比賽前30分鐘 Registration 登記 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
Racers can wear Shimano pedals, Keo pedals or running shoes.
*No Award Ceremony on race day. Top 3 racers/teams will receive medals by post in 2 weeks
Triathlon Team Relay 隊接力
A Triathlon relay team consists of 2 or 3 members with each member performing one or two legs of the event. An example of a 3-player team, consists of Sally, Bill, and Rick. Sally might do the bike; Bill would run; and Rick would tackle the swim. In a 2-player team with Tom and David, Tom is feeling ambitious and might decide to do both the bike and run portions and let David do the swim.
There are options of team relay and corporate team relay. Only companies are allowed to sign up for this category.
三項鐵人賽隊接力 由2 位或3位成員組成, 成員可選擇1或2項運動以接力形式完成三項運動。
Corporate Team Relay 公司隊接力
Triathlon Corporate Relay is the ultimate corporate team building event. With team competition, employee well-being and local community support, this is an unforgettable race experience. Race entry fee will contribute towards 3 entries for low-income athletes.
Duathlon BikeRun Race 陸上踩跑兩項賽
Wattbike 10KM, Run 5.0KM
8:20 - 17:00 Race Start 比賽開始 (DB Plaza 愉景廣場)
(Different slots are available. Racers can select their slot preference during the online registration.)
30 mins before the race starts 比賽前30分鐘 Registration 登記 (Tai Pak Beach大白灣沙灘)
Racers can wear Shimano pedals, Keo pedals or running shoes.
*No Award Ceremony on race day. Top 3 racers will receive medals by post in 2 weeks
Triple Crown Race 三冠賽
Triple Crown participants compete races at the sequence of 3.8KM Swim, Aquathlon, and Triathlon. 三冠參賽者的比賽次序為渡海泳3.8公里,水陸兩項及三項鐵人。
Triple Crown participants can select Triathlon 4:20 pm or 5:00 pm start time during registration. 三冠參賽者可選擇 4:20pm 或 5:00pm 三項鐵人賽起步時間。
18: 00 Award ceremony for Triple Crown
Rules and Regulations
General Rules
No one should join the race unless he/she is physically fit, and in excellent health condition.
Participants will take full responsibility and safety during the race.
參賽者需確保具備良好體能及健康狀態, 否則切勿參與此比賽。
Rules and Conducts - Swim Race
Participants are required to meet the following cut-off times.
1.7km Swim Race: 70 mins
3.8km Swim Race: 130 mins; 1.7km checkpoint: 55 mins
400m Swim Race (Individual / Family Relay): 18 mins
Participants may be asked to provide proof of competence. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race.
Participants must obey instructions to kayakers, helpers, and personnel of the race. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race.
Wetsuits, fins, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind is prohibited.
SAFETY BUOYS are mandatory during the ENTIRE race. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the race.
Requirement for Family Relay 400m swim - Each team consists of mom or dad plus one 16 years old or under child. Parents are allowed to accompany his/her child during the child swim leg.
1.7km Swim Race: 70 mins
3.8km Swim Race: 130 mins; 1.7km checkpoint: 55 mins
400m Swim Race (Individual / Family Relay): 18 mins
比賽單位可能要求泳手提供能夠於時限內完成比賽的相關證明, 無法提供者將無法參加比賽。
泳手於比賽期間不可穿戴任何游泳輔助器具,包括Wetsuits, fins and paddles。
400米渡海泳在家庭接力 - 每組家庭接力必須為父親或母親, 以及一位年齡少於16歲的子女。 子女比賽時,家長可以陪同。
Rules and Conduct - Bike
Cycling with a bare torso is prohibited. Athletes must wear a shirt, jersey, or sporttop/sports bra at all times during the run segment of the Race.
Time Limit: 10KM under 35 mins
Athletes must be taller than 150cm.
Rules and Conduct - Run
Running with a bare torso is prohibited. Athletes must wear a shirt, jersey, or sport top/sports bra at all times during the run segment of the Race。
It is the sole responsibility of each athlete to know and follow the prescribed running course.
All athletes must obey all traffic laws while on the running course unless otherwise specifically directed by a Race Referee or Race Official with actual authority. Unless otherwise directed in accordance with the preceding sentence, all athletes must come to a complete stop when required by a traffic sign or traffic control device and must not proceed through any intersection unless such intersection is clear of oncoming traffic. Any violation of this Section will result in disqualification.
Headsets, headphones, or audio-capable eyewear are prohibited during the run segment of the Race.
Categories 組別:
1.7km Swim Race, 3.8km Swim Race, Aquathon, Duathlon, & Triathlon(individual) Races:
AG 年齡組別: 13&Under, 14-16, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
400m Solo Swim Race:
AG 年齡組別: 8&Under; 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&Over, Male and Female
400m Family Relay Swim Race:
Child AG 子女年齡組別 : 8&Under, 9-10, 11-12, 13 -14 ,15-16
Open Category -Apply to Relay team combination other than a parent & a child . 開放組別 - 適用於非家長和子女組合
Triathlon Relay Race (Team/Corporate)
The top 3 in the team and corporate categories will receive medals/prizes.
Age groups are determined based on a participant's age on race day 年齡組別將會以參賽者與比賽日的年齡計算
Medals/Prizes 獎牌 /獎項
"Triple Crown Award 三冠王” 獎 -The fastest male and female athlete who completes the 3.8km Swim, Aquathlon, and Triathlon races will be awarded "TRIPLE CROWN". 同時參加3.8公里渡海泳,水陸兩項及三項鐵人共三個賽事最快男,女子運動員將獲得 “三冠王” 獎。
Overall female and male champions in the 3.8 km Swim & Triple Crown will win a free one-night Mountain View Room stay at Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong with breakfast for 2 persons.
Medals/Prizes will be given to the top 3 participants in each AG category.
組別頭三位參賽者將獲獎牌 / 獎項。
Finisher medals will be provided to racers who complete the 1.7km/3.8km/400m Swim(Solo)/Aquathlon//Duathlon/Triathlon(Solo, Relay & Corporate Relay) races.
完成1.7km/3.8km/400m(Solo)/Aquathlon/ Duathlon/ Triathlon(Solo, Relay & Corporate Relay)賽事參賽者可獲Finisher medal。
Service at Tai Pak Beach 大白灣沙灘服務提供
Registration 賽事登記 ( Triathlon /Duathlon/ Aquathlon / 400m Swim)
First Aid station 急救站
Storage station 儲物站*